Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Mistaken identity? Or not?

From the Glasgow Herald

THE Royal Bank of Scotland is being targeted by Palestine and Muslim campaigners after it closed the bank account of a British-based pro-Palestinian organisation. Friends of Al Aqsa (FoAA), which says it promotes human rights in Palestine, has been given until January 15 by RBoS to find alternative banking arrangements. Ismail Patel, its chairman, has also had his personal and business accounts withdrawn by the bank
Ismail Patel claims that the closure is due either to mistaken identity or to Islamophobia.

While Friends of Al Aqsaa doesn't appear to be on either the Home Office or the Bank of England proscribed lists, a bit of internet digging suggest that they might not be the kind of organisation you would want as a customer.

See this, this, or this.

While there is nothing particularly concrete, he does seem to admire some pretty unpleasant people. If I were the bank I would want to steer clear.