Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Netvibes rocks

Via Chicken Yoghurt I have been introduced to the delights of Netvibes, which is a platform for integrating all your RSS feeds. It's much slicker than Bloglines and much more pleasing upon the eye. The "Wow" moment was when I realised that I could get a feed of my email into the site too, as well as my de.licio.us bookmarks, calendar and more. Suddenly it's gone from being a feed reader to a virtual desktop. Already I have switched my Firefox homepage over from Google (Google can be added as a module) and I no longer look at Google.

I say it again. Wow!

Any reservations? Well, it doesn't seem to recognise all my feeds. I get an error returned from, among others, Biased BBC, Blognor Regis and Liberal Review. Apart from that the whole thing is pretty fab.